I recently discovered the website apt-ny.com and love the look of a lot of the stuff they carry. I’m still looking for a sofa bed for the bedroom. I’ve definitely made up my mind that I’ll be putting a convertible sofa instead of a bed, if I ever manage to come up with the money […]
This is a great looking set but at $179 it is not for every budget. We apartment dwellers, those of us who aren’t living in condos in Manhattan, can’t usually afford to spend nearly $200 on dinnerware; but personally, if spending $179 on dinnerware was something I could afford to do, this 40-piece Pistoulet dinnerware […]
If you indulge in ice cream these ice cream bowls are cute and affordable. Just $10 for a set of 4. The glazed stoneware bowls can also be used as cereal bowls or soup bowls if you’re not one to indulge in ice cream. They are microwave and dishwasher safe. Amazon.com Widgets The same and […]
Just stumbled upon the blog of Canadian interior designer Patricia Gray. If you’re looking for some truly fantastic design ideas you should definitely check out her blog. Of course her slogan is “exceptional homes for exceptional people”, the emphasis on homes; but your apartment is your home for now and you’re an exceptional person so […]
Most people when decorating just copy existing styles without considering whether they even like a style of decorating or not. They follow a traditional pattern just because that’s what’s “traditional”; but it can be worth it to experiment with how you decorate because it can make a world of difference in how much or how […]
Experimenting in Plan3D. I probably won’t change the paint on my bedroom wall because I’ll only be here for another year and it won’t make sense to change it now considering you have to paint it back to the color you found it in before you vacate; but I figured I’d play around with some […]
I am playing around with designingonline.com’s Plan 3D program to get some ideas for decorating my bedroom. I plan to put a convertible sofa in the bedroom instead of a bed in order to create more room for movement as it’s a pretty small bedroom. It has a walk in closet and attached bathroom that’s […]
Be careful when buying a sofa for your apartment not to get more sofa than your room can accommodate. If your apartment is small you should try to avoid buying sofas that are very bulky and long. Modern space saving styles are more suitable for apartment living, assuming your apartment is not a million dollar […]
I’ve decided to put a convertible sofa in my bedroom instead of a regular bed, so I am shopping around for convertible sofas. Why have I decided to put a convertible sofa in a bedroom? Well, simply because I would like to have some space in the bedroom during the day, and with a regular […]